About Us
We are a group of parents and carers in Newham, all with children or young people who have special educational needs or disabilities (SEND). Our children’s needs range from mild to profound and complex, with or without Education, Health, and Care Plans (EHCPs).
We understand that every family’s situation is different, but many of the challenges – like assessments and accessing services – are shared. By working together, we’re committed to making sure the voices of SEND families in Newham are heard and valued.
Our Aim
Our goal is to improve the lives of children and young people with SEND, as well as their families, by:
Offering a safe space for parents and carers to connect and share experiences.
Helping families and service providers work together to make better decisions.
Creating opportunities for families to shape services that meet their needs.
Highlighting the challenges SEND families face and working to address them.
Helping families understand what support and resources are available.
Partnering with other organisations to share ideas and expertise.