Who Are We?

“Empowering Parents and Influencing Services”
- We are an independent group of parents in Newham
- All of us have a child with additional needs, ranging from the most
profound and complex, to children without a statement or EHC plan - We know that children’s needs and circumstances can be very different, but some of the issues affect us all. E.g. assessments and services
- We are committed to giving a voice to all parents and careers of children with additional needs in Newham
What Do We Do?
- We listen to Parent/carers and to get your views and opinions
- Collect them together so that the parent voice is counted in Newham’s decision making rocesses.
- Work in partnership with the Newham Council and NHS to influence policy and help to shape the design and delivery of services.
- Work with all service provider to get the best possible outcomes for all Newham children and young people with additional needs
- Ensure that, you are well informed about what Newham and Health Services are doing ,what’s available and what’s new

How Can We Help You?
- We run coffee mornings/evenings, events and workshops where you can get information such as the new Special Educational Needs and Disability reforms and meet other parents
- You will receive regular Newsletters and information about what’s new in your area.
- You will be able to access the Newham Parent Forum Website @ www.newhamparentforum.co.uk to get information, tips, add comments and hear from other parents.
Reasons to join the ‘Newham Parents Forum’
- We run coffee mornings/evenings, events and workshops where you can get information such as the new Special Educational Needs and Disability reforms and meet other parents
- You will receive regular Newsletters and information about what’s new in your area.
- You will be able to access the Newham Parent Forum Website @ www.newhamparentforum.co.uk to get information, tips, add comments and hear from other parents.
Question: If I join Newham Parent Forum, what will I have to do?
Answer: Whatever you feel comfortable with
- Join as a member and just receive information
- Join as a member and add you views to the website
- Join us just for coffee and a chat
- Join us for events and workshops when you can
- Get more involved in the steering group of the forum
- Get involved with the work we do with the Local Authority as a parent rep (training &
some payment for your time is available) - Take on a key role in the management of the forum (we have vacancies)
How can I join Newham Parent Forum
- If you would like to be part of the forum or would like more information about how the forum please fill in the membership form or come to one of our meetings
- Just turn up to a coffee morning/evening. You will be most welcome at any time.
Don’t be nervous –– Get involved
Be part of an exciting forum in your community and help to
make a difference to your life and the lives of others
- What is the local offer?
- Newham’s Family Information Service and our Local Offer for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) and their families.
- Within the website we aim to provide information and advice to enable families to access support, advice and activities.
- Information such as Safeguarding issues, support services, short breaks,information about processes such as EHCP process, annual reviews and much more.
- https://families.newham.gov.uk
Newham Local Offer
The Local Offer is a guide to the services in Newham that are available for children and young people with special educational needs (SEN) and disabilities aged from birth to 25. https://families.newham.gov.uk Contact “We are Contact, the charity for families with disabled children. We support…
IPSEA-Independent Parental Special Educational Advice
IPSEA provides free and independent legally based advice to parents of children with all kinds of special educational needs (SEN) and / or disabilities. To find information about how IPSEA can help click on the link https://www.ipsea.org.uk/
SOS!SEN The Independent Helpline for Special Educational Needs
The Independent Helpline for Special Educational Needs offer a free, friendly, independent and confidential telephone helpline for parents and others looking for information and advice on Special Educational Needs (SEN), http://www.sossen.org.uk/
The National Network of Parent Carer Forums (NNPCF)
NNPCF was launched in 2011, and is funded by central government.They became a formally constituted Group in November 2013. The NNPCF membership is made up of Parent Carer Forums of which there is one in almost every local authority area in England. Each parent carer…